Structured Programs
Collect your health data through structure assessment programs to produce viable outcomes data.
At its core, Welld is a program engine that uses configurations to support virtually any kind of fitness and wellness program. Whether 30 days or 30 months, routine assessments or weekly weigh-ins, remote education or in-person delivery, Welld provides the documentation and workflows to measure the impact of the program for the individual, the business, and the community.

Choose from Existing or Develop Your Own
Check out our library of existing programs or tell us about the programs you run. We quickly configure your program, with your name, and your recipe. Whether your program is offered in-person or virtually - Welld helps you capture the data most important to you.

Business and Health Outcomes
Begin with the end in mind. Why would we type all of this data into a system? To understand if what you are doing works. Are your participants meeting their goals? Are their biometrics moving in the right direction? Is the business making any money offering these programs? Welld helps you capture the needed data, then generates simple reports to answer these questions.

Eligibility, Liability, and Assessments
Welld has the forms you need to ensure compliance and program fidelity. From complex eligibility rules in the National DPP and nutrition counseling, to the numerous biometric, functional movement, and quality of life assessments found in medical integration programs, Welld makes the data entry simple and easy.

Exercise Prescriptions with areas of concern
Welld's smart assessment forms can trigger entries into an Exercise Prescription, Care Plan, and Action Plan - all customized for your unique program recipe. Categorize areas, prioritize them, set due dates, and more. Coaches and participants can collaborate on these plans through their own unique interfaces.

Participant portals
Welld is not just for the business of exercise. You can optionally invite each of your program participants to create a Welld login too. Like accessing a patient portal in your doctor's EMR, Welld's Electronic Wellness Record allows people to interact with their own health data, set goals, connect wearable devices, and more.

Education and Activity Tracking
Education is a key component in the fight against chronic disease. Welld has curated an extensive library of tutorial videos. Or feel free to add your own videos and PDFs for your participants to access directly from their Welld account. Coaches can track which materials have been viewed.